$130.00 USD

Every year

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English Teacher Cool Club Yearly Investment

  • Everything in the monthly membership - but with a 15% savings!

  • Instant access to 170+ resources for high school English (and growing each month)
  • Instant access to video lessons
  • Instant access to ANY new resource added
  • Access to a community of super cool English teachers just like yourself to plan with, laugh with, ask questions and celebrate the power of reading and writing 
  • Access to Dr. Lily Gates via Facebook group for questions, resource support, or collaboration
  • First dibs on Dr. Gates' ACT prep resources (including an ACT prep course that's currently in the works)
  • Ability to vote and add feedback to the kinds of resources that will be created and added to the membership 
  • Using the resources and what you learn from your new cool teacher besties to be the all-time fav. teacher at your school 😏